
Hi, I’m Sasha!

I started The Bee’s Knees Home Organization Company in January of 2021. My intention has always been to help others and it is through my unique experience with eliminating the clutter in my own life, that I now have the opportunity to liberate clients from the physical chaos holding them back from their goals. Our environment is a direct reflection of our current mental state and I believe that each and every one of us deserves for that space to be a peaceful one. My approach is collaborative, customized and compassionate. I know how difficult it is to reach out for help, and so I applaud you for taking a step towards finding more alignment within your home.

How did you decide that you wanted to become a home organizer?

I spent a lot of time at home during the pandemic thinking about the ways in which I could make a more meaningful impact on my community. I was working in the real estate industry at the time and wanted to feel more connected to the people that I was serving. Being invited into someone’s home, especially during one of the more trying chapters of their life is such a privilege and one that I do not take for granted. I am so grateful to have gained the trust of those who have reached out needing organization solutions. It hasn’t been an easy road, establishing myself as an entrepreneur, but I would not change the decision to start for anything else.

Do you offer any other services?

That is a great question and while my main focus is helping you to find a better, more sustainable system for your home - I do have a few other projects in the works such as: mental health memberships, teaching kiddos to care for their surroundings through intentionality/ play techniques, and wellness retreats for those hoping to continue making space for more joy. Feel free to take a look at Our Services page for more information. Announcements will be made regarding the latter via our social media pages. I am always thinking of new and creative ways that I can be of service.

What do you do when you’re not organizing closets, playrooms and garages?

I am happy to say that I have a very diverse schedule which allows for me to connect with all sorts of groups. So, I am also a part time event & wedding coordinator for a fabulous venue in the Lower Highlands. I love how organizing can bring people together in more ways than one. Outside of work, I have recently dabbled in the creative process of ceramics and am so excited to hone my skills for making environmentally friendly art. In the summer, you’ll likely catch me enjoying live music at any one of Denver’s concert venues. Bluegrass has my heart. Lastly, but certainly not least, I spend the majority of my time now with friends and family trying out new restaurants or simply enjoying each other’s company.