Our Services

Home Organization Packages:

  • 4-hour organization session - $400.00


  • 6-hour organization session - $600.00

(Kitchen/ Living Room/Bedroom/ Home Office)

  • 8-hour full day session - $800.00

(Garage or Multiple spaces)

*4-hour minimum bookings required

*Custom estimates offered for an entire home

What to expect:

1) 60-minute initial in person consultation to discuss the scope of work, your vision and budget for the space as well as time to answer any questions/concerns you may have about the process - must be booked separately before your first session.

2) Identification of any blocks related to maintaining a functional and sustainable space for your lifestyle.

3) Compassionate and collaborative hands-on organizing services that address your specific needs followed up with a customized action plan to help you keep up with your newly revitalized space.

4) Shopping, returns, and donation haul, if necessary.

*Additional pricing for organizational products/solutions can be discussed. We will always focus on using what you already have first to stay consistent with our values for reusing/upcycling/reducing waste.

Monthly memberships now available starting at $200/month! Send us an email for more details.

Pre-Listing Pare Down

Are you looking to sell your home and need some help prepping your space for showings? With this service, we can assist with making room for/ downsizing your belongings so that buyers see the full potential your home possesses and you can start fresh with the essentials.

$75/hour (4-hour minimum) - Estimate prepared after initial walkthrough


Unpacking Services

You’ve just moved into your new home, and you’re exhausted (because let’s be honest - it’s no one’s favorite activity). What better way to settle into your new environment than to relax and allow TBK to take on the task of setting up your place for success. We want you to start off this new adventure on the right foot!

$75/hour (4-hour minimum) - Estimate prepared after initial walkthrough

Charitable Giving

The Bee’s Knees Home Organization Company is committed to creating opportunities for individuals to overcome obstacles with mental health and wellness, but would also like to leave mother Earth better than we found it. So, our hope is to partner with organizations that hold the same values and are working towards creating eco-friendly solutions for our planet.

Do you own or work for an environmentally conscious company and want to collaborate?

Send us a message!